
The New Canaan Republican Town Committee informs and motivates voters in order to recruit and elect the best candidates for local, state and national positions who will uphold the principles of the Republican Party.

How We Work

The New Canaan RTC consists of 15-20 members who are elected at a caucus of registered New Canaan Republicans in January of even-numbered years. At the March meeting following the January caucus, the RTC elects a chairman, a vice chairman, a treasurer, and a secretary. RTC members serve two-year terms. In even-numbered years, the RTC is primarily involved with obtaining votes for Republican candidates seeking national offices, statewide offices and legislative positions. In odd-numbered years, the focus is on electing Republican candidates for town-wide positions, such as Board of Selectmen, Board of Education, and Town Council. The Republican Town Committee meets the second Monday of every month at 7:30pm. Come to our meetings or contact us directly for answers to any questions or for more information on how you might become involved with the New Canaan

RTC Goals

Meet monthly with elected official and candidates to promote Republican policies and leaders

Recruit the best Republican candidates to run for office

Support assistance to Republicans who volunteer their time on appointive boards and commissions

Organize caucuses and recruit delegates for state conventions

Assist the campaigns of Republican candidates for elected offices

Organize forums and events that showcase Republican issues

Coordinate with RTCs in neighboring towns and the State Republican Central Committee

Raise funds to support these activities

Join Us

The Republican Town Committee meets the second Monday of every month at 7:30pm. Come to our meetings or contact us directly for answers to any questions or for more information on how you might become involved with the New Canaan RTC.

See our calendar for meeting dates and locations.