Roger Williams was elected Constable in November 2017. Previously, he served on the Town Council from November 2011 to November 2015. While on the Town Council, he chaired the Public Safety Sub-Committee as well as the Finance and General Government Sub-Committee. Mr. Williams also served on the first School Safety Committee and the Saxe Building Committee. Mr. Williams also was appointed as a Fire Commissioner in 2007 and served as the Chairman of the Fire Commission from 2008 until his election to the Town Council in 2011. Mr. Williams was also elected as a member of the New Canaan Republican Town Committee for two terms, 2008 until his election to the Town Council.
Roger Williams is a principal of a video production company and has worked at various media companies including Warner Communications, Turner Broadcasting, ESPN, Travel Channel, Speedvision and Outdoor Life Network. Mr. Williams also has served as a Federal Bankruptcy Trustee for the United States Department of Justice, serving in the Wilmington, Delaware office. He is also a member of the Board of Trustees of Connecticut Public Television and has also served on the boards of various media companies.
Roger Williams has been a resident of New Canaan since 1995.