Lara Kelly is a mother of four children: Caroline (13), Spencer (9), Addison (6), and James (3). She is an active volunteer across many New Canaan community organizations including serving in the leadership of her church’s elementary-aged youth program and volunteering in West School classrooms. Lara is passionate about the role education plays in our town and will bring a unique lens to the board given her children will attend New Canaan’s elementary, middle, and high schools during her board service.
As a member of the New Canaan Board of Education, Lara will prioritize academics, ensure student safety, and promote parental involvement through transparency between the board and community.
Lara knows excellent schools like ours require active stewardship. Committed leaders are needed to plan, guide, and protect New Canaan Public Schools’ tradition of exceptionalism. Lara will ensure our schools are the brightest example of public education in Connecticut and the country.